Pinney's From Heaven

Pinney's From Heaven
We pick up pennies other's pass on by.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The year 2010 in Review

Pinney 2011 Update - The year 2010 in Review

Hello friends and family,   
     2010 started with more hope and encouragement than any other year I can  remember. It started with much excitement and promises for us to have a banner  year. By early March Pinney Construction had enough signed contracts to carry us  busily through July. We took the opportunities before us in the busyness of the  business and withdrew from most of the involvement we had with our home church  of Morningstar. It appeared we were in a new season after having been involved  with Morningstar for just under 10 years. By the end of May, as 3 of our large  projects came to a close, we found ourselves in need of rest. The timing was  perfect, because we had previously scheduled 8 days in Hilton Head Island for  our 25th Wedding Anniversary. It took the first 3 days to find the peace that  was missing in our lives from being so busy. The remainder of the time in Hilton  Head was very rewarding and very enjoyable. We took what we had learned about  being to busy, and spent most of the remaining weekends during the summer months  traveling and making ourselves have fun. In September as many of you know we  made a decision to give up our construction business and get involved with a  Ministry in Wilmington NC feeding the homeless and widows there. During the  first few months here, we were guests in other's homes. Once Travis and the 2  dogs moved at the end of November, we began looking for a home to rent. We were  able to find a fully furnished vacation home in Carolina Beach and moved in 2  days before Christmas. We are so grateful to have our own home again. We were  able to rent this home until the end of April, when the vacation season starts. 

   Karen, Travis, and I would like to share a little about the time we  have spent here so far.     

    Karen: I’m loving my time here at First Fruit Ministry, getting to know  all the people that are coming through the pantry line each week. I like to see  what God is doing on a weekly basis.  
     I enjoy seeing God showing up when we need something. We ask for  something and the next day the things that we asked for show up. One of the guys  asked for Rice-Krispies treats, we had everything to make them accept for  marshmallows, so we asked for the marshmallows and they showed up. This just  shows how much the Lord likes to give things to us.       The relationships that we are building with everyone here, makes it feel  like we have been here all our lives.     

    Travis: As October ended, many things in my own life did not feel like  they had months prior. It was time for me to leave Charlotte NC. I had no idea  at what I needed to do or even what I wanted to do. For Thanksgiving I went to  Wilmington NC to see my parents. While I was there, I knew that this is where I  need to move to. The Sunday after Thanksgiving, I went to Sunday night church in  Charlotte and on the way there I felt thankful for my new direction in life,  even though it was not what I had wanted to do.                                    
   The following Monday I moved to Wilmington. I started out helping at  First Fruit's food pantry and selling Christmas trees at there tree lot. For the  month of December, that's what I have been doing. One weekend during the month,  I went back to Charlotte. On the way into town something didn't feel the same to  me. I could tell it was not where I needed to be anymore. I still don't know why  I felt that way.  
   I don’t have a clue at what is going to happen next month or even this  month. What I do know is God is opening doors up for me to do what ever He wants  me to do.         
   For now I'll be at First Fruit helping out, feeding the poor and helping  those in need.            

    Ron: Since October I have spent time at the ministries pumpkin and  Christmas tree lots volunteering for there annual fund raiser's. I have enjoyed  many hours getting to know the founder of First Fruit Ministries, Rick Stoker  and learning about the vision they are fulfilling here in Wilmington. I really  enjoy the time I get to spend in the food pantry area prepping for and passing  out food three times a week. I love the time I get to spend with the fellow  volunteers and those we are serving. I have the opportunity of a lifetime with  each person I come in contact with. I continue to seek God as to all he has  planned for us here and that we would fulfill all he has called us to do. I have  encountered many opportunities to see how God really loves us helping to take  care of the poor and hurting. 

If you would like information on how you can help, you can e-mail us at or call us @ 704-309-4692

PO Box 15794
Wilmington, NC 28408

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